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Inspection Solutions

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Our technologies 

We provide high performance technologies in inspection and monitoring.

At INTEGRAL-IMI we have the knowledge of the main NDT techniques, offering the market a range of development and customization possibilities. With a high level of maturity in the development of hardware, software and robotics in-house, we are able to offer conventional and high-performance solutions for your inspection needs.

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Eddy currents

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Laser systems

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Magnetic systems

Inspection data

Our software is dedicated to our product line, designed to analyze and manage the data generated during all of our inspection services. With the goal of facilitating the on-field operation for our operators and clients, we have developed software capable of translating inspection data efficiently and reliably.


Who we are?

The INTEGRAL-IMI team is made up of professionals from renowned research centers at PUC-Rio and COPPE/UFRJ. We are a technology-based company specializing in Non-Destructive Testing to support our clients' Integrity Management. With expertise in several sectors of the energy industry, we apply innovative technologies in our equipment to offer the best inspection and monitoring solutions.

Where we inspect


Oil & Gas


Renewable energy


Pipe inspection


Industrial Plants 


Customers & Partners


Contact us to know more about Integral IMI and how you can benefit from working with us.


"The constant interaction with the Integral IMI team has resulted in high-tech developments that are streamlining our operations throughout Brazil."

Matheus Nobeschi
Commercial Manager - 4Pipe-Hidropig

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